Racing / Long Distance Kayaking

Racing kayaks, also referred to as ‘k-boats’, are narrow and relatively unstable craft used for racing sprints or over long distance on flatwater and sometimes on moving water or rapids. Although k-boats are generally designed for racing, they are mostly used by non-competitive paddlers for social paddles.

GKC own several k-boats for use by club members, with weekly social paddles on the upper Corrib throughout the year. During the summer months, weekly beginner sessions are facilitated by the club to help develop skills and to engage newer members. The club also owns two indoor kayaking machines which are used for skill development and for training during the winter months.

The annual Liffey Descent, which traditionally takes place in September every year, is the highlight of annual racing calendar in Ireland. GKC also hosts a long distance race every year and is well attended by competitors from all over the country.